Not bad at all!
Speaking of underrated... I guess you were hit by some unjust low score... I think I'm gonna start a crusade about this.
Well... This is a quite interesting song you've got there. I always like piano arpeggios, so I might be biased.
I would make a couple of suggestions though:
-Mastering: The output level is just too low. Use a compressor or a maximizer in the output channel to make it louder. Don't just raise the master, you wouldn't want clipping, now, would you?
-Dynamics: Even though the piano melody is just fine, it lacks dynamics. Try randomizing the velocities, especially in the second part. If you have a midi controller (even better), record it!
-Samples: The piano sounds fine, the drums are good enough (you can find better), but the strings are unnatural. See if you find something more natural sounding. Perhaps something a bit less aggressive.
-Mixing: I'm listening through headphones currently, so I won't risk commenting on Eq (it sounds fine to me). The mixing levels are just fine. Don't touch them! The balance is a bit to the right (due to the piano, so you could try setting it right by compensating with the strings panned harder to the left.
Otherwise, this is actually quite good and promising!!! If you finish it, I'd love to hear it and give you further feedback!