I have to say, in terms of composition, this is great! The instrumentation is also just right! The vocals are spot on! Your vocal skill is indeed rare!
On a more constructive note, I do have a couple of suggestions:
-The bass kick sounds a bit unnatural. You might want to change to a less metallic kick, even though this might sound strange for what sounds like a metal ballad. It still is a ballad. "Day Dreamer"'s kick sounds a lot more natural, for example.
-Electric guitars, especially the ones that are heavily distorted, have to be on or around the same level as vocals, otherwise they easily tend to sound flat and lo-fi. You might be discouraged to do this as the guitars might sound too high pitched and overshadowing the vocals, the piano and the hi hats (in this case), but you shouldn't be afraid (as I have advised in other submissions as well) to use a low pass setting on a Eq filter about and around 8-10kHz and a plateau for dropping frequencies from 6-7kHz and upwards and don't be shy about it. You can give more body to their sound by raising frequencies that sound good to you in the range of 600Hz and 1kHz, while you can bring the cabinet up by scanning frequencies between 60 and 100Hz (In rare cases up to 120Hz). Scan the frequencies and stop when you find the sweet spot. Then just bring it forward in the mix! It won't cover up the rest of the instruments and at the same time sound more powerful, without sounding too heavy.
-In some places the double tracked electric guitars sound out of sync. You don't always have to rerecord the track in question, but you can warp the original clean samples (if you still have them, otherwise just leave it) into position. You can use various programs for that, including Cubase (versions from sx2 and later) or Alberton Live. The second one has an easier interface and some helpful tools if you want to sync more channels at the same time (I use it for syncing recorded multiple drum tracks to beat. These 10 to 14 tracks have to warped the exact same amount for various reasons). Just slide the notes that are out of sync towards their correct position and pass the channels back to your preferred amplification and you're done...
I really like this song and I'd love to listen to other ones in this style with your voice enriching them!