Very well done!
I'm sorry NewbineX1337 doesn't think you're Coppola or something, but unfortunately for him there is this thing called genres. If you don't like the genre or the type of work in general it doesn't mean it's crap.
-1 point for voting based on personal taste.
-1 point for not appreciating the amount of work and effort put into this and
-1 for giving a mark that represents no work at all.
-1 for not understanding that it's not just about doing something entirely new, but also doing something better than was done before added that the script is indeed original. I bet you hate remakes as well.
-1 for what you've made yourself and finally
-1 for your idea of publicity
-6 then! Well done! You've made a fool of yourself.
Other than that, this installment was impressive and the quality of the work is getting even better. The action sequences are sharper, quicker and easier to follow than some previous ones, while the dialogs aren't unnecessarily long!
Very good work indeed!